Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back in the saddle!

I went to finally post a new post on my old blog today, and it's been so long that I have no idea what my log in is! Oh well. Time to start fresh. I am starting blogging again for a couple of reasons. First and foremost I always hope that by sharing bits of my life with all you good people (whoever the intertubes send here) I will be inspired to make my life more worth sharing. Second, I am really losing my writing skills (as you may be able to tell). Mostly what I write these days is something along the lines of "Pt in tub. Vocalizing with ctxs. Requesting epidural. Anesthesia MD notified." Not exactly enthralling. Really, there's very little room for pizazz with charting...

Perhaps a very quick update on my life is in order. Last I wrote, in March of 2011, I was in my last semester of nursing school. Then shit got real. Real job, real patients, real crazy. This is probably part of why I stopped writing, actually. I graduated and got my dream job on a high risk OB unit at an academic hospital. It is still my dream job, but it is way harder than I could have possibly imagined. In my first weeks I kept catching myself saying things to patients like, "I don't know, let me get the nurse." It has gotten easier in some ways. I certainly feel more confident in the routine patient care part (if there is such a thing as 'routine care' in a place where you're as likely as not to be taking care of a Class F diabetic with endocarditis who's having quads-I'm only barely exaggerating). Now I am starting to focus more on how I can contribute to the larger unit, not just care for my individual patients. It's a new challenge. I am not particularly good at playing politics or even, truth be told, working on teams. I suck at following beureucratic procedures. So that is where I personally need to grow. This year, I am hoping to be much more involved in our unit Local Practice Council, which does rad work on improving procedures, work flow, and nurse education. I would love more drills, a reinvigorated new grad/new OB nurse orientation and mentorship program, and maybe even to do a little baby research project myself.

In my home life, things have also changed. Hubs and I were the last people to move out of the beloved Brick House Collective. Four of the original six housemates moved to Canada! Baby Bird's family is living the dream in BC, and just welcomed a second little bird! Baby bird herself is now 5 years old (!!!) and in kindergarten, which she hates. Why? I asked her that too, and she pointed her little finger and stomped her little foot and said "Because you just do what you're told, do what you're told, do what you're told!" I think that about sums that issue up!  Ben started an ice cream business making the absolute most incredible ice cream EVER to cross my lips. Cognac ice cream people. Seriously. And you can buy it off a freezer on the back of a custom bike.

So, Hubs and I moved to a new neighborhood, near downtown. We have a little one bedroom apartment that we pay an outrageous amount of rent on. Stubby lives on. The move to an apartment was perfectly timed with his old age and senility setting in. Hubs works a lot as a director at a non-profit serving veterans.

One last bit of update that will likely factor large into this blog: I got a new bike in August! My red Schwinn 21 speed got stolen from in front of the hospital in my first week as a new grad nurse. Whoever stole it literally snatched away my best coping skill-jerks! Fortunately, a kind friend loaned me a cute bike named Frenchie for an entire year, until I was in financial shape to buy the bike of my freaking dreams! Her name is Marge. She is a baby blue Public mixte, internally geared 8 speed. This makes me sound like I know more about bikes than I actually do. All I really know is this: she's gorgeous, she's great for Seattle hills, my chain never has and will never fall off, and I can ride in skirts without giving anyone an eyeful (of cellulite). I will doubtlessly be posting many pictures of her, and from my rides on her. I ride to work almost every day, and one of my goals is to start riding home-the uphill part of the commute-in the mornings. Sunrise, sunset!

In very recent news, Hubs and I went on our best EVER Valentines Day date. We saw the Atomic Bombshells Burlesque at the Triple Door. It was amazing. I didn't realize ahead of time that they actually got down to pasties and g-strings-oo la la! The costumes (when they were on) were outrageous, the music was fabulous, the dancing was quite skilled. I never would have guessed that going to, essentially, a strip show with my hubs would have been so fun! I really wish I had gotten my picture taken with them. Also, I wish I had bought a rhinestone g string and some pasties to match. Next time! After the show we got dessert and more alcohol at Il Bistro under the market. So romantic. I  had a total of  two vodka martinis and a glass of champagne, which I have been feeling the effects of all day.

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